
We are dedicated to achieving the full potential of all children, by providing education of the highest quality, within a rewarding, enjoyable and meaningful curriculum that fosters a love for learning.

Good standards of teaching, supported by rigorous assessment procedures ensure good progress and are enhanced through opportunities for pupils to personalise and extend their learning.

Themed projects, activity days, research, new technologies and a range of engaging teaching and learning styles are used to enrich pupil's experience.

The National Curriculum divides into Core and Foundation subject areas at Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. We teach each of these subjects as both discreet subjects and within topics that encourage children to develop their skills, motivation and resilience through a cross-curricular approach.

For more information on the curriculum, please visit the Government's National Primary Curriculum website or see our own Curriculum Policy on our Policies page.

Curriculum Plans

These Key Stage plans outline the learning in each curriculum subject area (apart from maths) for each year, as part of a two year rolling programme linked to the National Curriculum.

Termly Overviews

Find out what we are studying this term:

Knowledge Organisers

Knowledge organisers are a summary of the key facts and essential knowledge that pupils need about a unit of work or a curriculum subject.

They provide a clear focus on the information that is being learnt in school and its retention. They are a valuable tool for pupils and parents to use at home.

See our Core Subjects and Foundation Subjects pages for Knowledge Organisers relating to individual subjects.

Early Years Foundation Stage

Children in the Foundation stage classes follow the six areas of experience within the Early Year Foundation Stage curriculum.

There are three Prime areas:

  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development
  • Personal Social and Emotional Development

And four Specific areas:

  • Literacy (including reading and writing)
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding of the World
  • Expressive Art and Design

A variety of teaching methods are used to explore these areas which include both teacher and child initiated activities.

We also have a specialist outdoor play area and Forest School.