
Ofsted Good Provider

Our school was inspected by Ofsted in January 2020 and we continue to be judged a good school.

We are all very proud of the report and it is a recognition of all the hard work by our staff, governors and children. Here are some quotes from the report which we feel really reflect the ethos and standards of our school:

  • Pupils thrive at this school. There is a murmur of excitement in every classroom as pupils join in eagerly with activities.
  • Teachers encourage pupils to be curious, to think for themselves and pupils know that teachers expect them to try their hardest.
  • The sense of community around school is tangible. Cheerful pupils go about their daily routines in a calm, well-organised learning environment.
  • The responsibilities that older pupils undertake is impressive. For example, they organise fun games for younger pupils at breaktimes, and run whole-school assemblies.
  • Pupils experience a rich, broad curriculum through a blend of themed topics and subject teaching. Leaders select the content of the school’s curriculum carefully.
  • Children, right from early years, develop secure foundations in their learning. This helps them to learn new things with less difficulty later on.
  • Leaders prioritise reading. The large majority of pupils make strong progress in reading. The huge investment in providing high-quality books supports the strong reading culture.
  • The teaching of early reading enables most pupils to achieve well. The majority of pupils have a good grasp of phonics by the end of key stage 1.
  • The school is well led. Senior leaders seek ways to make the curriculum more enticing. Sporting events, residential trips and special visitors all add to the tapestry of pupils’ learning.
  • Leaders take care of their staff. This contributes to the positive energy abundant throughout the school.
  • Governors play an active role in helping the school to continuously improve. They are ambitious for pupils. Governors have a strong strategic oversight.
  • Parents and carers say that their children are happy at school. They view the school as a welcoming and happy place.
  • Pupils show positive attitudes to their learning and remain focused in lessons.
  • Staff support the personal needs of pupils well.

You can read the full report below:

Our previous inspection was in February 2016 when the school was judged as ‘maintaining the good quality of education since the last inspection’ and the behaviour, positive attitudes of our children and the school’s ethos were highly commended.

Parent View

You can now share your views on our school via Ofsted's Parent View website. By sharing your views, Ofsted hopes you'll be helping the school to improve. You will also be able to see what other parents have said about us.

Parent View - Give Ofsted your view on your child's school

SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools)

The school was inspected on Wednesday 26 June 2024 as part of the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS). SIAMS focuses on the impact of the Church school's Christian vision on pupils and adults. This involves looking at the school’s Christian vision, the provision the school makes because of this vision and how effective this provision is in enabling all pupils to flourish.

During the day the inspector talked to staff, parents, governors and children about the school and looked at a broad range of school planning and policy documentation. As a result of this, the inspection found that the school is living up to its foundation as a Church school, and is enabling pupils and adults to flourish.

The report below describes the school’s strengths, its areas for development and its main findings.

We are sure that you will agree with us that it gives a very positive picture of our school and the provision for children.

The full report can be read below: