Christian Distinctiveness

Christianity is at the heart of life in school, providing the vision, ethos and values that ensure children thrive in an inclusive learning environment.

Our Christian distinctiveness is what makes our school special and therefore, our development of spirituality and Christian teaching reflects our vision for pupils to flourish as valued members of the world community, as educated citizens and as part of God’s creation.

At Bidford on Avon C. of E. Primary School we view spiritual growth as becoming more and more aware of one’s natural, innate spirituality. These opportunities may happen each and every day as children deal with delight, disappointment and the chance to be present with themselves.

At its core, our Christian foundation enables all pupils and adults to grow and flourish. It provides an environment that helps them to make sense of the world in which they live and to understand a little more of their place within it - to understand their relationship with themselves, with others, with nature and beauty and the ‘beyond’ or God.

Copyright Alison Avery
St Laurence Church from across the River Avon

Our school has close links with St Laurence’s Church and with other local faith groups. Members of the clergy and community visit regularly to support collective worship and we celebrate many occasions together, including Harvest Festival, Christmas, Easter and the Year 6 Leavers’ service.

Throughout the Autumn and Spring terms, we are fortunate to welcome members of the Heart of England Parishes who visit us to share ‘Open the Book’ assemblies. Open the Book is an exciting storytelling project where Bible stories are shared with children in a fun, interactive and memorable way.

Whole school collective worship is held four times a week in school with alternate class and key stage collective worship once a week.

Worship is of a broadly Christian character, focusing on Christian values and events in the Christian calendar, whilst providing the flexibility to respond to key events from other faiths and current local, national or global issues. Worship is invitational, inspirational and inclusive.

Each term we also focus on key values or character attributes that are explored during worship but also developed throughout the school day in lessons and at break times. Each class has a distinctive prayer space which forms the focus for their class worship.

Our Hall banner

Religious Education teaching follows the Church of England’s Statement of Entitlement and Warwickshire SACRE provision.

Weekly lessons provide opportunities to explore both the Christian tradition and the beliefs and practices of other faiths, giving our children the opportunity to learn about and respect the diversity, opinions and beliefs of others.

Learning activities in RE provide for the needs of all pupils, offering a safe space to explore their own religious, spiritual and/or philosophical ways of seeing, living and thinking, believing and belonging.

Read more in our Collective Worship, Religious Education and Spiritual Development Policies.