Event - National Science and Engineering Week
18 to 22 March 2013
What an exciting week it has been. The focus of this year's National Science and Engineering Week was 'Accidental Discoveries', so pupils across the school were given the opportunity to discover some scientific ideas for themselves, through open-ended investigation tasks.
Key Stage 1 took part in an activity circus finding out all about forces with Laurel Armonstrong from Sphere Science.
Tuesday's collective worship introduced us to some of the accidental discoveries through history from the humble Cornflake to the curious Slinky, demonstrating the value of observation and finding the 'magic in the mistake'!
We also welcomed our Stargazing team on Tuesday evening for a telescope workshop, where over fifty pupils and parents learnt how to use their equipment at home and on Thursday Dr Michael Reis from Leeds University introduced us to the world of polymers through a Prehistoric Slime lecture to a crowd of over eighty!
Thank you to all those who supported the events.